A friend of mine asked me about the OSPF forwarding address. The question was why must the network type be broadcast for the FA to be set? Why is not point to point and point to multipoint network type valid?
IPv6 operation and best practices – documents to read
Unfortunately I don’t get to do much v6 at my job yet but I still like to stay updated on what is happening. Do you run any v6 in your network? If so, do you run it native or tunneled
EIGRP named configuration
You might think that EIGRP being around for so long is not getting any attention from Cisco, not true. EIGRP is still being developed and in later releases you can run what is called named configuration. Doing this you can
Tiebreakers with routes from different OSPF processes
This post is inspired by a discussion at Twitter with Ivan Pepelnjak and Nicolas Michel. Nicolas asked what happens when there is the same route from two different OSPF processes. Which one will be selected? Ivan explained how to use
Some interesting RFCs
To stay updated what’s happening in the network industry it doesn’t hurt to read some RFCs and IETF drafts. Here are two I recommend that you read. A comparison of IPv6 tunneling mechanisms- draft-steffann-tunnels-00 It describes different ways of tunneling
EIGRP draft released
Donnie Savage, Russ White, Don Slice, J. NG and Steven Moore all from Cisco have published the IETF draft for EIGRP. You can find it here. Why would you want to read this draft? If you are a CCIE candidate
CCIE plaque
I received my CCIE plaque a while back. This is what it looks like. Good luck to everyone pursuing the CCIE and one day you will have one of these as well 🙂
Cisco releases new switch – Catalyst 3850
Cisco is releasing a new Catalyst switch and it will be called 3850. Some of you might already have heard about it. I’ve seen some presentations about it but now it’s offical. Lets look at some of the highlights of
Staying updated as a network engineer
When you work in IT, you need to stay updated. It’s not one of those jobs where you get an education and then you are fully learned and can stop reading. To stay updated you need to keep an eye
Merry christmas!
I’m sorry for the lack of updates lately. I have been very focused on finishing as much as possible at work as I’m going on a long leave to take care of my kids. Lately I’ve been dealing with some