This post will describe something interesting that happens to traceroute when you are doing NAT. The inspiration for this post came from a thread at IEOC started by Nick O’neill. He was doing ip nat outside translation but I have
Networkengineering @ Stack Exchange
Some of you might have heard of Stack Exchange. It’s a site for a range of different topics based on Q&A format. Recently there was a new section started for network engineering. It was in private beta and now it
STP convergence – MST
In the comments I received a wish to compare RPVST+ with MST. RPVST+ is Ciscos proprietary STP running one instance per VLAN over 802.1Q trunks. MST is an industry standard which can run multiple instances but not one per VLAN.
Spanning tree convergence
Someone asked the other day how fast STP converges depending on PVST+ or RPVST+ or MST is running. Usually the answer for PVST+ is 30-50 seconds and for RPVST+ it’s fast, maybe less than a second. I thought I would
Routing-bits SP handbook now available
We are many CCIE RS candidates that have used Ruhanns RS handbook to aid us in passing the CCIE lab. Ruhann has now released a SP handbook as well to aid all SP candidates. Who is Ruhann? Ruhann du Plessis
Introduction to NX-OS – Basic system setup
I’m trying to learn more about Ciscos datacenter products and obviously NX-OS is a big part of that. I’ll do some blog posts to introduce anyone not familiar with NX-OS to it and that will help me with the learning
This blog has now seen 200k views since I started it. It started out slow but after a year or so it gained some pace. The blog started out describing my journey to the CCIE which I accomplished 6 months
Connecting Cisco CSR1000v to Dynamips
As we all know Cisco recently released the CSR1000v. This post will describe how to create a home lab consisting of Dynamips and CSR1000v running on ESXi. You should already have deployed the CSR and have a Dynamips box ready.
Network articles for CCNA students – First one out IP ACLs
Hey everyone, As most of my readers know by now I like to help people get started with their careers and help them along with their studies. I’ve been quite active on the Cisco Learning Network lately and also I
Cisco Virtual Internet Routing Lab (VIRL) – Big things happening at Cisco?
Yesterday I received a tweet from Mirek Burnejko @miroburn that he had received information that Cisco is releasing virtualized XR platform. That certainly peaked my interested so I started asking around my contacts. It is already well known that Cisco