This post will describe some of the crypto design considerations for DMVPN. DMVPN Overview and Crypto Overhead First let’s have a quick recap of what Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) is. DMVPN is an overlay technology where multi point GRE tunnels
CCDE – Introduction to GET VPN and GET VPN Design Considerations
Introduction to GET VPN GET VPN is a Cisco proprietary technology aimed for private WAN designs where there is a need to encrypt the traffic. This may be due to regulatory requirements or just a need to keep traffic private.
CCDE – WAN Speeds and Basic Voice Calculation
I’m preparing for the CCDE practical and I was doing a practice scenario by Jeremy Filliben and I realized that I’m not comfortable with all of the WAN speeds so I might as well write a blog post on it.
CCDE – MPLS-TE Auto Tunnels
This post will briefly discuss the challenges of manually setting up MPLS-TE tunnels and how Auto Tunnels can lessen the burden of MPLS-TE tunnels. One of the main challenges with traffic engineering and MPLS-TE is the number of tunnels that
CCDE – Review Of CCDE Practical Workbook By Orhan Ergun
To kick off the new year, I will give you a review of the CCDE Practical Workbook by Orhan Ergun, CCIE #26567 and CCDE #2014:17. Orhan is a friend and has provided the workbook to me for reviewing. I would
CCDE – CCDE Qualification Exam Passed
A couple of days ago I passed the Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE) Qualification Exam which means that I am now eligible to take the CCDE practical. I’m aiming to give that a try in May. This post will give
CCDE – Firewall And IPS Design Considerations
Introduction This post will discuss different design options for deploying firewalls and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) and how firewalls can be used in the data center. Firewall Designs Firewalls have traditionally been used to protect inside resources from being accessed
CCDE – Load Balancer Designs
Introduction This post will describe different load balancer designs, the pros and cons of the designs and how they affect the forwarding of packets. Load Sharing Vs Load Balancing The terms load sharing and load balancing often get intermixed. An
CCDE – Optical Design Considerations
Introduction As a network architect you should not have to know all the details of the physical and data link layer. What you need to know though is how different transports can support the topology that you are looking to
More PIM-BiDir Considerations
Introduction From my last post on PIM BiDir I got some great comments from my friend Peter Palúch. I still had some concepts that weren’t totally clear to me and I don’t like to leave unfinished business. There is also