This is the final post by Petr on route redistribution. If you have read all three of them you should have a much better understanding of route redistribution. Also, INE has released a few videos on route redistribution from ther ATC. These videos are very good and I recommend you watch them.

CCIE link #10
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2 thoughts on “CCIE link #10

  • July 12, 2011 at 3:15 pm

    The complexity of redistribution specially if applied to just lab environments can be limitless.
    Often using semi-dead routing protocols like RIP that, because of being very old, lack the flexibility of the newer ones can create somewhat artificial scenarios that can suck up limitless amount of precious studying time to the CCIE candidate.
    Of course the basic of how to deal with loops and back-flow of routing information must be known,but in my opinion as the new ROUTE exam emphasizes, redistribution in the CCIE
    lab is more about achieving full reachability and traffic engineering than dealing with complex problems of multiple protocols redistributing at different points
    Reading and listening to all the material that you suggest can certainly be very good for academic reason and satisfy personal curiosity but it will require a lot of time.”Rumours” coming from the communities seem to confirm what I said adding that often the reward for answering this part of the exam is a mere 2 or 3 points.
    I thought was a fair point to make with no intention to be critical in any way and again thanking for an effort that,besides yourself,is benefiting all of us.I started to use telnet to check my QOS config and was greatly useful.Just an example of what I said.
    If at any time,considering your busy life,you have doubts that what you are doing is a waste of time I wanted to reassure that certainly is not the case.

  • July 12, 2011 at 3:29 pm

    Thanks Gio,

    I agree that it can be very time consuming. The flipside is that you develop the sense for being able to see traffic flows and potential problems by just looking at a diagram. Glad to hear that you appreciate the site. It is difficult posting updates now that I am in hardcore lab mode but there will be updates to Anki questions coming soon and maybe some technical articles too if I can find the time. Thanks.


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