Becoming a CCIE is a lot about gathering information from a lot of sources and read through them and lab for yourself to see how it really works. I’m starting a new section on my blog which will contain a daily link to a site or blog that contains valuable information about topics on the CCIE lab. The links can be about strategy, technology or emulators etc. I will try to make a daily post but may not be able to do posts on everyday.

I will start out with the single most important URL for any CCIE candidate.


This is the URL to the DOCCD. It is the only documentation that is allowed on the lab exam. We need to know this URL inside and out. When you are preparing for the lab you should forget about Google. Learn how to find everything on the DOCCD.

CCIE link of the day # 1
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2 thoughts on “CCIE link of the day # 1

  • June 6, 2011 at 3:40 pm

    Much Appreciated. It came at right time. I’m appearing for my lab exam in August.


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