As I make progress through the INE workbooks I’m writing posts about features that I find interesting and that might not be that known to the general public. I wasn’t aware that you could filter packets based on TTL in
Cisco ASA – Efficient access-lists with object-groups
I am currently migrating some PIX firewalls to ASA and I have been rewriting the access-lists to be more efficient and easy to read. This is done by using objects and object-groups. Lets first talk about objects, the object can
Cisco ASA 5510 – Where did my gigabit ports go?!
I’m preparing some ASA 5510 firewalls at work which are going to replace two Cisco Pix firewalls. We ordered the ASA5510-SEC-BUN-K9 because we need failover and the gigabit ports. I unpacked the firewall and booted it up but when I
Authentication, authorization and accounting
Authentication, authorization and acounting is commonly called AAA. If you have more than a few network devices using local user accounts is not a scalable solution. The solution is to centralize the authentication either via a TACACS+ or a RADIUS