In OSPF and other routing protocols we have something called forwarding address. This can be used to route traffic in another direction than to the router that originated the LSA. We start with the following topology. It’s a basic OSPF
Some interesting facts of OSPF
OK so clearly I haven’t been updating a lot lately due to my very busy situation. I’m sorry for that but my former colleague Henri keeps nagging me for an update so I decided to write on some interesting tidbits
OSPF: Anatomy of a routing protocol
To become a CCIE you need detailed knowledge of OSPF. Most candidates will have read the TCP/IP Volumes by Doyle and maybe even the RFC written by J Moy. This book is also written by J Moy and it is
Cisco Live – Great resource for CCIE studies
Hey guys, I’m at home enjoying the time with my family which as you have seen has just grown with a new member 🙂 Cisco Live US was just held in San Diego and now the sessions have been uploaded.
It’s a girl!
Hi everyone. Just home to pack some things. Yesterday at 14.31 me and my fiancee got a beautiful baby girl weighing 3720 grams and 50 cm long. I’ll be back in a couple of days.
More on SSM
As you’ve noticed I’ve been studying SSM and what better way to learn than to blog about it. I recently got a Safari subscription which has been great so far. I’ve been reading some in the book Interdomain Multicast Routing:
Multicast – SSM mapping
This is a followup post to the first one on SSM. The topology is still the same. If you want to find it in the documentation it is found in the IGMP configuration guide I guess the reason to place
The history of Ethernet – DIX vs 802.3
I’m planning to do a post on BPDUs sent by Cisco switches and analyze why they are sent. To fully understand the coming post first we need to understand the different versions of Ethernet. There is more than one version?
Source Specific Multicast (SSM) and IGMP filtering
Regular multicast is known as Any Source Multicast (ASM). It is based on a many to many model where the source can be anyone and only the group is known. For some applications like stock trading exchange this is a
Interesting facts about the CCIE lab
I found a link to an interesting video with Kevin Wallace 2x CCIE. He did an interview with a CCIE proctor anonymously and some of the answers really surprised me. The proctor chooses the lab you get 80% of all