I’ve finished the Vol1 labs following the schedule from INE. That is about 25% of all the Vol1 labs. Will start doing the vol2 soon. I’ll be adding content to the flash cards with MPLS and MPLS VPN questions today
Flash cards – multicast added
Added some multicast content to the flash deck. There is now a total of 151 questions in the deck. The next section that will be added when I have finished the labs is MPLS VPN. As usual, the deck is
Troubleshooting multicast – RPF failure
In unicast routing we are interested in how to forward packets to their destination. In multicast routing we are interested where the source came from, multicast packets need to pass a RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding) check. Packets that are received
Multicast session booked for tonight
Going to do a rack rental tonight since I’m going to do multicast labs. From what I’ve heard Dynamips has some issues with multicast, not sure if it still has issues but I’ll do a rack rental to not spend
IPv6 content added to flash cards
I have added some IPv6 content to the flash cards. Next up is multicast. Will add more advanced content and more content as I start with the vol2 labs. I now only have multicast left from the vol1 labs (following
BGP troubleshooting – route not installed
Sometimes prefixes in BGP do not get installed into the routing table, if the route is also in an IGP that might be a reason but then a RIB-failure would be indicated. This scenario shows another possible source of problems.
BGP added to flash cards
I have added content for BGP to the flash cards. There is now a total of 112 questions so far. More content in other areas will be added as I go through them in my studies. The file as always
BGP troubleshooting – peer address not matching
Yesterday I did some Internetwork Expert vol1 labs on BGP. I was having trouble getting some of the peers to come up and had to troubleshoot. This post will describe how to troubleshoot when peers won’t form. First, lets look
More flash cards
I have updated the flash cards with content from IP routing, frame-relay and bridging&switching and RIP. There is now a total of 90 flash cards. More content as always will be added whenever I put more into it. As usual
IP SLA trickery
This tuesday our primary Internet provider had a major outage. We recently got a backup but it was not implemented yet but I had to implement it in a hurry to get us back online. I had prepared most of