This is some notes for the post that I did on conditional BGP advertisement.
I found an easier way of seeing the status for the advertise-map. It is
available by looking at the neighbor status, look at the following output.
Rack7R3#show bgp ipv4 uni nei | i Condition
Condition-map NON_EXIST, Advertise-map ADVERTISE, status: Advertise
The prefix is currently being advertised. Then we bring up the interface.
Rack7R3(config)#int s1/2
Rack7R3(config-if)#no sh
Rack7R3#show bgp ipv4 uni nei | i Condition
Condition-map NON_EXIST, Advertise-map ADVERTISE, status: Withdraw
The prefix is no longer advertised. Remember that the BGP scanner runs every
60 seconds by default so it may take some time before we see results.