Yesterday I showed how to bootstrap a Catalyst8000v from the CLI. Today, I will show how to put a file on bootflash which includes the configuration but also the root certificate and the certificate of the device. This is a bit of a more streamlined process and can also be useful if you don’t know what CLI commands to use as vManage will generate the configuration for you.
Starting out, we have a freshly booted router that is in autonomous mode (non-SD-WAN):
Router#sh ver | i operating Router operating mode: Autonomous
To generate the bootstrap configuration, the process is to first go through the regular process of attaching a device to a template. Go to Configuration -> Templates and select Attach Devices:

Select the correct device:

Fill in the information needed:

Click Update to reflect the edits:

Then click Next:

Click Configure Devices and vManage will try to push the config but the device is offline:

Once this is done, vManage has all the information it needs to generate the bootstrap. Go to Configuration -> Devices and select the correct device and then Generate Bootstrap Configuration:

Then vManage will disply the following window. Choose Cloud-Init and have the box selected to Include Default Root Certificate:

Click OK and vManage will generate the entire bootstrap configuration, including root certificate and certificate:

When generating the bootstrap configuration, I recommend to use a simplified template only used for onboarding. Don’t include the full configuration as that means there is more potential for errors in the config. I did for example run into a problem regarding how subinterfaces are handled where I had used a template using the newer way of doing it, but where the router was shipped with older code so my bootstrap configuration could not be applied to the device.
The bootstrap configuration will be named something like C8K-17BB2865-6837-D0A5-9EB1-CD90C9E14146.cfg and look something like this:
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============6473818395825475233==" MIME-Version: 1.0 --===============6473818395825475233== Content-Type: text/cloud-config; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tmpioh5v7hs" #cloud-config vinitparam: - uuid : C8K-17BB2865-6837-D0A5-9EB1-CD90C9E14146 - otp : 4677ccee4c41413f9773e6e649a1e186 - vbond : - org : sd-wan-lab-daniel - rcc : true ca-certs: remove-defaults: false trusted: - | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Snip -----END CERTIFICATE----- --===============6473818395825475233== Content-Type: text/cloud-boothook; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="config-C8K-17BB2865-6837-D0A5-9EB1-CD90C9E14146.txt" #cloud-boothook system ztp-status success pseudo-confirm-commit 300 personality vedge device-model vedge-C8000V chassis-number C8K-17BB2865-6837-D0A5-9EB1-CD90C9E14146 system-ip overlay-id 1 site-id 1000 no transport-gateway enable port-offset 0 control-session-pps 300 admin-tech-on-failure sp-organization-name sd-wan-lab-daniel organization-name sd-wan-lab-daniel port-hop track-transport track-default-gateway console-baud-rate 9600 config-template-name ST6-BRANCH no on-demand enable on-demand idle-timeout 10 vbond port 12346 logging disk enable ! ! ! bfd default-dscp 48 bfd app-route multiplier 6 bfd app-route poll-interval 120000 security ipsec rekey 86400 replay-window 512 authentication-type sha1-hmac ah-sha1-hmac integrity-type esp ip-udp-esp ! ! sslproxy no enable rsa-key-modulus 2048 certificate-lifetime 730 eckey-type P256 ca-tp-label PROXY-SIGNING-CA settings expired-certificate drop settings untrusted-certificate drop settings unknown-status drop settings certificate-revocation-check none settings unsupported-protocol-versions drop settings unsupported-cipher-suites drop settings failure-mode close settings minimum-tls-ver TLSv1 dual-side optimization enable ! sdwan interface GigabitEthernet1.536 tunnel-interface encapsulation ipsec weight 1 no border color gold no last-resort-circuit no low-bandwidth-link no vbond-as-stun-server vmanage-connection-preference 5 port-hop carrier default nat-refresh-interval 5 hello-interval 1000 hello-tolerance 12 no allow-service all no allow-service bgp allow-service dhcp allow-service dns allow-service icmp no allow-service sshd no allow-service netconf no allow-service ntp no allow-service ospf no allow-service stun allow-service https no allow-service snmp no allow-service bfd exit exit appqoe no tcpopt enable no dreopt enable no httpopt enable ! omp no shutdown send-path-limit 16 ecmp-limit 8 graceful-restart no as-dot-notation timers holdtime 60 advertisement-interval 1 graceful-restart-timer 43200 eor-timer 300 exit address-family ipv4 advertise bgp advertise connected advertise static ! address-family ipv6 advertise connected advertise static ! ! ! banner login Un authorised Logins tracked banner motd Restricted Use service tcp-keepalives-in service tcp-keepalives-out no service tcp-small-servers no service udp-small-servers hostname Branch username admin privilege 15 secret 9 snip vrf definition 100 description MAIN VRF rd 1:100 address-family ipv4 route-target export 1:100 route-target import 1:100 exit-address-family ! address-family ipv6 exit-address-family ! ! vrf definition 200 description MGMT VRF rd 1:200 address-family ipv4 route-target export 1:200 route-target import 1:200 exit-address-family ! address-family ipv6 exit-address-family ! ! vrf definition Mgmt-intf description OOB_MGMT rd 1:512 address-family ipv4 route-target export 1:512 route-target import 1:512 exit-address-family ! address-family ipv6 exit-address-family ! ! ip arp proxy disable no ip finger no ip rcmd rcp-enable no ip rcmd rsh-enable no ip dhcp use class no ip ftp passive ip route ip bootp server no ip source-route no ip ssh bulk-mode no ip http server no ip http secure-server no ip http ctc authentication ip nat settings central-policy interface GigabitEthernet1.536 description GOLD no shutdown arp timeout 1200 encapsulation dot1Q 536 ip address no ip redirects ip mtu 1500 exit interface GigabitEthernet3 description OOB_IF no shutdown arp timeout 1200 vrf forwarding Mgmt-intf ip address dhcp client-id GigabitEthernet3 no ip redirects ip dhcp client default-router distance 1 ip mtu 1500 load-interval 30 mtu 1500 negotiation auto exit interface Loopback0 description MGMT_loopback no shutdown arp timeout 1200 vrf forwarding 200 ip address no ip redirects ip mtu 1500 exit interface Tunnel536001 no shutdown ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet1.536 no ip redirects ipv6 unnumbered GigabitEthernet1.536 no ipv6 redirects tunnel source GigabitEthernet1.536 tunnel mode sdwan exit clock timezone UTC 0 0 logging persistent size 104857600 filesize 10485760 no logging monitor logging buffered 512000 logging console aaa authentication login default local aaa authorization exec default local aaa server radius dynamic-author ! no crypto ikev2 diagnose error no crypto isakmp diagnose error no network-clock revertive snmp-server ifindex persist fhrp version vrrp v2 line con 0 speed 9600 stopbits 1 ! line vty 0 4 transport input ssh ! line vty 5 80 transport input ssh ! lldp run nat64 translation timeout tcp 3600 nat64 translation timeout udp 300 ! ! --===============6473818395825475233==--
This file needs to be uploaded to bootflash of the device, the same process can be used for HW devices and be stored on bootflash or more commonly USB device to not have to login to the device to apply the configuration. For the device to load the configuration, the file must be renamed to ciscosdwan.cfg for HW devices but ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg for SW devices.
Upload the file to bootflash of the device using for example FTP:
Router#copy ftp://user:password@ip/ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg bootflash: Destination filename [ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg]? Accessing ftp://*:*@ip/ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg...! [OK - 33708/4096 bytes] 33708 bytes copied in 0.337 secs (100024 bytes/sec) Router#dir bootflash: Directory of bootflash:/ 30 -rw- 33708 Jul 8 2023 05:10:22 +00:00 ciscosdwan_cloud_init.cfg
Now configure the device to be in controller mode (it should be able to detect mode based on the file but this didn’t work on my router):
Router#controller-mode enable Enabling controller mode will erase the nvram filesystem, remove all configuration files, and reload the box! Ensure the BOOT variable points to a valid image Continue? [confirm] % Warning: Bootstrap config file needed for Day-0 boot is missing Do you want to abort? (yes/[no]): no
Now verify that the root cert is there:
Branch#show sdwan certificate root-ca-cert | i sd-wan Issuer: C = X, ST = X, L = X, O = sd-wan-lab-daniel, CN = vManage Subject: C = X, ST = X, L = X, O = sd-wan-lab-daniel, CN = vManage
Verify that the device has a certificate:
Branch#show sdwan control local-properties personality vedge sp-organization-name sd-wan-lab-daniel organization-name sd-wan-lab-daniel root-ca-chain-status Installed root-ca-crl-status Not-Installed certificate-status Installed certificate-validity Valid certificate-not-valid-before Jul 8 06:11:21 2023 GMT certificate-not-valid-after Jul 5 06:11:21 2033 GMT enterprise-cert-status Not Applicable enterprise-cert-validity Not Applicable enterprise-cert-not-valid-before Not Applicable enterprise-cert-not-valid-after Not Applicable dns-name site-id 1000 domain-id 1 protocol dtls tls-port 0 system-ip chassis-num/unique-id C8K-17BB2865-6837-D0A5-9EB1-CD90C9E14146 serial-num 8FBCE3B3 subject-serial-num N/A enterprise-serial-num No certificate installed token Invalid keygen-interval 1:00:00:00 retry-interval 0:00:00:15 no-activity-exp-interval 0:00:00:20 dns-cache-ttl 0:00:00:00 port-hopped FALSE time-since-last-port-hop 0:00:00:00 embargo-check success device-role edge-router region-id-set N/A number-vbond-peers 1
Verify that control connections are up:
Branch#show sdwan control connections PEER PEER CONTROLLER PEER PEER PEER SITE DOMAIN PEER PRIV PEER PUB GROUP TYPE PROT SYSTEM IP ID ID PRIVATE IP PORT PUBLIC IP PORT ORGANIZATION LOCAL COLOR PROXY STATE UPTIME ID ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vsmart dtls xxxxxxxxxx 1 12446 12446 sd-wan-lab-daniel gold No up 0:00:05:02 0 vsmart dtls xxxxxxxxxx 1 12446 12446 sd-wan-lab-daniel gold No up 0:00:05:02 0 vmanage dtls xxxxxxxxxx 0 13046 13046 sd-wan-lab-daniel gold No up 0:00:05:02 0
The advantage to using this type of bootstrap configuration is that it includes the root cert and certificate so there is no need to manually copy the root cert to the device or request to install a certificate. I hope this post has been useful in showing options in bootstrapping a device.