Going for the lab we need both speed and skills. I made a simple IPv6 frame-relay lab that should test your speed. Time yourself and post your time to configure in the comments. Just by looking at the time I could probably tell if you are typing manually or not. This is the scenario.

Routers R1, R2, R3 and R4 are connected to a frame-relay cloud. They are all spokes connecting to the hub R5. R1 has a DLCI 105 to R5 which is 501 from R5 POV. R2 has a DLCI that is 205 and 502 from R5 POV and so on. This is the task.

Configure all devices with a global address of 2001:1:0:1234::Y where Y is the device number.
Configure static mappings on all devices.
All devices should be able to ping each other.

Download the .net from here and then edit for your IOS version and working dir etc.

I didn’t time myself but I think I could do it in less than 2 minutes for sure. Later I will post some tips on how to improve speed.

Frame-relay IPv6 speed drill
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4 thoughts on “Frame-relay IPv6 speed drill

  • December 14, 2011 at 12:41 am

    Damn it. Took about 4 minutes including verification 😉 I have configured it in Notepad and screwed up the static frame mappings by appending /64 to the addresses. After that I had configured R4’s address on R5. Then I had to clean it up.

    Basically just errors resulting from copy & paste of the ipv6 address command.

  • December 14, 2011 at 4:44 am

    how you to do it quick typing ipv6 on frame-relay map?

  • December 14, 2011 at 7:30 am


    4 minutes isn’t bad. If it takes you 10 min then you are probably doing something wrong. Not utilizing copy/paste etc. My point is that if we can do this core stuff really quick then we will have more time for services and obscure stuff that might need looking up in the DOCCD.


    I use the Notepad technique. Would be easier showing it in a video but the basic technique is this:

    I open Notepad and type R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5. I start typing under R1 and type the IPv6 address and ONE frame-relay map statement. If you are comfortable with frame-relay you should know syntax in your head. I then copy this statement 3 times and change only the IP, DLCI is the same since everything is going through hub.

    I then copy all of R1 config to R2 section. I only need to change IP, one of the IPs in map statement and the DLCI.

    Then I do the same for R3 and R4. Finally on R5 we need to change also the DLCI for all maps since R5 has individual DLCIs to all the spokes.

    This can save a lot of time. We do need to have a pretty good knowledge of the CLI to utilize it fully but even if you look up command with ? and then type in Notepad you will still save time.

  • December 14, 2011 at 11:26 am

    Nice tip…
    Any other useful strategies you’ve got would be great.


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