Many of you have probably heard of Cisco VIRL or what is now called Cisco Modeling Labs (CML). CML is due for release later this year and is supposed to include support for IOS, IOS XE, NXOS and IOS XR.
Cisco VIRL – Let’s go viral!
Cisco VIRL Most of you have probably heard something about VIRL already. There were some rumors going around and then at Cisco Live, Joel Obstfeld from Cisco did a demo of Cisco VIRL. VIRL is a tool running on Openstack
Cisco Virtual Internet Routing Lab (VIRL) – Big things happening at Cisco?
Yesterday I received a tweet from Mirek Burnejko @miroburn that he had received information that Cisco is releasing virtualized XR platform. That certainly peaked my interested so I started asking around my contacts. It is already well known that Cisco