Introduction Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is a routing protocol developed by Cisco based on the DUAL algorithm. EIGRP was previously proprietary but has recently been opened up by Cisco with an IETF draft. EIGRP has been accused of
Route redistribution – Route-maps and tagging
Earlier I have done some posts on route redistribution and on route filtering in different protocols. I wanted to expand on this by showing different ways we can tag and do filtering with route-maps when doing route redistribution. We start
OSPF – Use of forwarding address
In OSPF and other routing protocols we have something called forwarding address. This can be used to route traffic in another direction than to the router that originated the LSA. We start with the following topology. It’s a basic OSPF
Source Specific Multicast (SSM) and IGMP filtering
Regular multicast is known as Any Source Multicast (ASM). It is based on a many to many model where the source can be anyone and only the group is known. For some applications like stock trading exchange this is a
Filtering routes in EIGRP
EIGRP is often called a hybrid because it has some similar features to link state protocols and also has distance vector features but the truth is that it is a distance vector protocol. Even though it is distance vector it
Filtering RIP routes with an offset-list
As you all know RIP is a distance vector routing protocol and that gives us a lot of options when doing filtering. This time we will look at a feature that is not widely known, the offset list. Assume that