This post is based on notes from my practicing OSPF vol1 labs. I want to have them saved for later reference but I also think that this post can help others and clear some of the confusions of OSPF. Lets
Saving time on lab tasks
This post will show how you can save time on the lab tasks. Assume you need to complete this OSPF task. Advertise the Loopback0 interfaces of R1, R2, R3 and R4 into OSPF area 0 Advertise the Loopback0 interface of
Private VLANs
Private VLANs is a method to segment devices at layer 2 that are in the same IP network. Different VLANs are used but they share a common IP network. The most common scenario for a private VLAN is a residential
Filtering packets by TTL in Cisco ACL
As I make progress through the INE workbooks I’m writing posts about features that I find interesting and that might not be that known to the general public. I wasn’t aware that you could filter packets based on TTL in
Debug condition – conditional debugging
Sometimes we have a need for debugging and Cisco has a lot of options for debugging, this is one of the things why I definately prefer Cisco to HP or other network vendors. I did some vol2 labbing yesterday and
First round of vol2 started
Did my first round of vol2 tonight and man it was brutal. It’s a total different thing trying to get all protocols running together nicely than running them each separately. Also when doing entire scenarios you have to think if
MPLS added to flash cards
I’ve added some MPLS and MPLS VPN’s to the flash cards. The flash cards are covering a pretty wide base by now and I have finished the vol1 labs from INE (not all of them) and as I go through
Vol1 finished
I’ve finished the Vol1 labs following the schedule from INE. That is about 25% of all the Vol1 labs. Will start doing the vol2 soon. I’ll be adding content to the flash cards with MPLS and MPLS VPN questions today
Flash cards – multicast added
Added some multicast content to the flash deck. There is now a total of 151 questions in the deck. The next section that will be added when I have finished the labs is MPLS VPN. As usual, the deck is
Troubleshooting multicast – RPF failure
In unicast routing we are interested in how to forward packets to their destination. In multicast routing we are interested where the source came from, multicast packets need to pass a RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding) check. Packets that are received