Did some of these TS labs this week. They are very challenging but they are designed by Petr Lapukhov so they should be… I found these to be more difficult than the ASET TS labs. From what I’ve heard from Petr these labs are not specifically designed to help you do the TS at the lab but more of a learning tool to become very proficient in TS. If you can solve these tasks my guess is that the TS at the lab should not be that difficult except that the lab topology is much larger.
While doing one of the tasks I learned a new cool command from the solution guide, debug ip packet detail dump. The dump at the end is a hidden command and will show the contents of the packet. This can be useful when troubleshooting authentication if the key is in plain text. Newer versions of IOS seem to show the key in log messages but it could still be handy. This is how we use it.
As you can see, I do all of my labs with PuTTY to be comfortable with it on the exam.